Karaoke is a culture among the Japanese people.
Among family members, young, old people and all
walk of life in Japan are fond to have karaoke session.
Not only in their house, but it is common to find
the karaoke "heya" everywhere even in a remote
As for me, i did join some occasion especially when
many of my Japanese friends invited me to their house
for dinner. I enjoyed very much when mixed and chatting
with them.
Normally, to welcome a foreigner during dinner, the host
traditionally will do the opening speech followed by self
introduction of every single guest with short history and
background. After dinner start, every one will sing alternately
in karaoke session. Most of Japanese house has a complete
karaoke set.
Here are some photos and karaoke taken with Mr. President
and guest of honour.
Serangan bom, tembakan di Golok: Polis sahkan tiada rakyat Malaysia terbabit
Nor Fazlina Abdul Rahimnfazlina@nstp.com.myKota Bharu: Polis Kelantan
mengesahkan tiada rakyat Malaysia yang terbabit dalam serangan bom dan
tembakan yang ...
5 hours ago