Friday, October 2, 2015

Back to the Future?

I was once, a star-bunt farmer sometime back home.
My hardcore hobby, playing with mud and hard soil.
"Wa manyak  famous bebbb.., masuk TV lagi."
You should be able to see me sticking around every
corner if the was an expo or event on agro based product.
That was me, last time.

Below was our ranch with Lemon tree, Banana and pineapple.

My sons, playing and taking bath with mud.

And we have plenty of time to go around.
Visiting places for a Sweet memory and taking some fresh air,
Mountaintops place like Banjaran Besar, Cameron Highland
and Jerai Peaks.

My kids were addicted to " Jalan Jalan Cari makan" and will show a sour face
should I just stay home and not going anywhere on weekend.

Once we "OUT" for the journey, then their face would "sprinkle" like below:-

What a LIFE.

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